NAIQpoE165quJ7xFMAQTCxX8CkY Swagger New York: 10 Reasons Why New York City Is The Best, And Worst, Place To Live | Social - Butta - Fly

Swagger New York: 10 Reasons Why New York City Is The Best, And Worst, Place To Live

10 Reasons Why New York City Is The Best, And Worst, Place To Live

1. You can “fake it ’til you make it”…and then fake it some more in NYC–no questions  asked.
Everyone in NYC lives by this, so good luck dating someone who’s actually genuine.
2. Forget about hunting for designated drivers, DUIs and beating traffic, taxis and subways are available 24/7!
Expect awkward train rides. Crotches in your face and smelly men abound. AIN’T NO ONE GOT TIME FOR THAT.
3. Running low on cash? There’s $1 pizza on nearly every corner, not to mention $5 sandwich delis.
You might not even make enough to afford that pizza, forget the sandwich. 
4. No night is a dull night. Tuesdays rock, and Saturdays pop off. This will be you every.single.night.of.the.week.
the moment when the beat drops
You’ll spend $15 for a rum & coke every.single.night.of.the.week.
5. One minute, you can walk around the city totally dejected. The next minute, you’ll stumble upon a sight of the new Freedom Tower a feel a surge of exhilaration.
Then you realize you still don’t have a job and come down from that high. Sad face.
6. Your favorite celebrity will be your new coffee shop buddy.
You’re forced to hang in aforementioned coffee shop because you can’t afford WiFi. 
7. The top 1% of the world live here, meaning the likelihood of meeting a sugar mama/daddy are very, verrrry high.
The top tier supermodels are also here. And they look like this. So, there’s that:
8. Nothing in NYC is predictable. One day, you’ll be pleading to get into a bar, the next, you’ll find yourself popping champagne in a penthouse one floor above Justin Timberlake.
Also unpredictable: your goddamn rent
9. You’ll follow your aspirations and do something impossible in any other city.
You’ll feel like everyone is doing something bigger and better than you and ask yourself whether being here is actually a waste of time and money. 
10. You’re living in N-Y-FUC*ING-C.
Nope, nothing bad about that. 


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